Monday, October 18, 2010


I have too much on my mind that will not even begin to fit in the Facebook box. Sadly, it is a true fact. Hm. Where do I even start? Really? 

[Insert deep sigh...]

Okay, so, I am finally starting to get over some people in my life. Really this time, not just a fake "I'm over it" I mean, I am really going to be okay and I know this now. Because frankly, if they wanted to be in my life they should have made more effort to be there. Since they are not losing sleep over it, why should I? So I know it will hurt for a while, like it has, but it will no longer kill me. I refuse to keep living like I have been and neglecting not only myself but those who actually do want to have some kind of part in my current life. (Why they would, I have no idea.) So that is that. I do not like it one bit but that is how it has to be, I suppose. I cannot continue hurting myself when I know the result will always be the same. There will be no more questioning, "What should I have done?" because I have done everything I could have done and still yet they chose the actions that they did. I just hope they all end up happy in the end. I am letting go. It will be harder to let go of some more than others. "I pray you're flying high when your engine stalls. I pray all your dreams will never come true. Just know wherever you are, honey, I'll pray for you." -- Jaron and the Long Road to Love (Funny song, actually but I am kidding when I sing that about them. I really do wish them luck and hope everything works with flying colors. I will have my day in the spot light just like they are having now.

Next thing is... What is up with everyone getting married at 18-20? I mean really? Do they know that the statistics for a marriage lasting, when getting married that young, is low because over half will end up divorced with children? Or they will end up unhappy and miserable, even feeling trapped all the time by the age of 30? Sigh. People actually need to learn for themselves but you know there is a quote that fits well for this, "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." (Eleanor Roosevelt, US Diplomat and Reformer, 1884-1962). I have been there when you are happy and in love and nothing else seems to be better than what you have at that moment, but I too realized soon after that maybe this whole "happy" thing is not all it is cracked up to be after several fights and months of hating each other. Of course, it is easy to be happy with someone for only a couple years. But honestly, you are young and have not even had the life experience. Do you honestly think most of the ones getting married now will still want to be with ONLY their wives/husbands twenty years from now? Probably not. They may want their better-half and one or two on the side just to make them feel better about their love life. This is not just some thing from where I am better about life and dating this is actual true stuff here. If you do not believe me, ask someone who has been divorced.

Along with the whole marriage thing, I am starting to wonder if teenagers forgot how to use condoms? And they always name their kids something godawful soon after they get pregnant. It is not a dog. This is a human being and deserves a name of respect. Not just some random letters you have thrown together! It is not a name! It is more like a sign that says, "My mom was young and had no idea what she was doing." Your child has to live with that name! Just because you like some weird ass thing with a bunch of unnecessary letters does not mean your child will. Think about things before you slap a name on a child like it is your new St. Bernard or Husky--which is sad because I know more dogs with human names than babies being born lately.

Speaking of babies and mommies, family next comes to mind. Family. What the fuck is a family? Really? Okay. So I have a bunch of cousins, aunts, and uncles that I would not know if they came up and asked me for a piece of gum. And most of the ones I do know, I would not risk giving it to them because they would try to sell it for something else. All family is... is drama. Drama and chaos. Personally, I do not even claim half of my family. If I talk to them, it is only because I have to. And then they go and tell everyone everything I said without even asking me about it. So by the time word gets around, me saying "I like your shirt" turns into me stealing the shirt off someone and beating the crap out of them to get it. So not only have I managed to make enemies in my family, I also find out I have a stalker in my family whom runs to dad and tells him everything. And me being a young adult, some things dad just does not need to know. I am not a bad kid or anything, I just make mistakes like most human beings and I learn from them. I would rather dad not punish me for lessons learned. Sigh. I guess we all have family drama, right?

So I am coming to an end to my ranting/venting blog...
Still not entirely all that is on my mind, there are several other thousand things that I could have written paragraphs on and I could have made these paragraphs longer. Facebook should have never asked me what was on my mind.

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