Friday, April 22, 2011

Morgantown... Dun dun dun...

So, I finally have a chance to update my blog. Wow. It's been forever, forever is too long. 

Everything is going, well, it's going. Things are moving way too quickly for my tastes but that seems to be the way things work when you're on you're own. I wouldn't say I was ready for this move but I suppose the best things come when you're not thinking clearly. Sigh. So I'm sitting here while Jared is asleep, I thought it would be a perfect time to update this and go on a bitch fit about how terrible things are. When I realize, I'm laying beside the love of my life, I have a decent job (well, not really because for what we do the pay sucks but it's a job, nevertheless), I have somewhere to stay until the 15th of May and I have a little time to find a place before then. Hopefully. So I guess things aren't as bad as I make them seem sometimes. 

I'm having a little trouble adjusting to the roommate still and Jared as well. I'm also having issues with making friends and all that jazz. The common thing for someone like me. Some days, I just want to stay by myself and not deal with anyone. But the thing being, I have to communicate with people because I need to make friends. Or at least try. I'm tired of not having anyone here and no one to talk to. The only phone I have right now is Jared's cell and I'm waiting for the opportunity to get mine turned on; so until then, I can barely talk to my friends. I try to text them once in a while and everything but that doesn't always happen. Hardly anyone calls me, most don't know the number but the ones that do don't have an excuse but it's all okay. I've only been here a month so I can't expect things to just automatically start working out. Besides, my main concern right now is rent and my health... people can go fuck themselves right now for all I care. Just to be honest. [Insert smiley face.]

But that's that. Yep. Not much of an update but it's still an update. 

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