So I got sick for a while and couldn't update. I had some trouble with a kidney stone and a kidney infection. Fortunately, I was sent to the ER from my doctor and they kept me for a few days to make sure everything was going to go back to normal. They scheduled me to have a surgery type of thing done to bust up the stone and so now I'm back home and doing okay; just in a little bit of pain and such. Meh. I go back in January to make sure everything went as expected and such. After all of this, I just have to work on getting myself out of debt. Anyway, Christmas went better than expected besides for dad and I both being sick. Nephew seemed to have fun and everything, which was my greatest worry. I got a book from my brother-in-law and sister that I absolutely love. It's amazing. "Geeky Girl, A Lazy Susan Guide" It's awesome. Just one of my wishes didn't come true but I still have hope for my birthday, maybe. Just maybe. Or there is always next Christmas. So that's an update... Yepp... I'm groggy from meds. Decided it was time to blog since I haven't in a while. So there you have it. |
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Ugh, it's been a long month
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Knitting Project 2: Cat shirt
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Colors: Teal, White, and Multicolored |
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
New Poem: An Old Country Song
You seem to be around each time I trip and fall
You pick me up, take my mind away from the mess
Make me smile, make me laugh, relieve my stress
And when I've had a bad day, I run to you
Making me feel better is what you do.
My heart may be hurting with us being just friends
I guess that's what happens when being in love ends.
Cold nights, when alone, laying in my bed
Wishing your chest is where I lay my head
The wishing and praying is never enough
But I've got to stay strong and be tough.
The pain only hurts when I think about the past
We are solid proof that love will never last
As bad as it hurts me, I must move on
Forget about the love we had; it's gone.
My mind may be steady in thinking about you
And my heart may be telling me the love is true
But the reality of it all will hit before long
And it will be as sad as an old country song;
One of those by Conway Twitty or maybe George Jones
Maybe the one by Pasty Cline, "I'm Moving Along"
Maybe "Hard Candy Christmas" by Dolly Parton
Either way, it will never be forgotten.
The sad lonely tune will continue to play
During the night, during the morning, or day
Nothing I can do will made this hurt fade
This is the price that must be paid.
You fell out of love, now I'm lost without you
You left out west, what was I left to do?
I keep telling myself that I can't keep living like this
Life shouldn't be an old country song; it should be bliss.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Poem: A Poem For the Lonely
Thursday, October 21, 2010
And there it was...
This is just to get something off my mind that's been bothering me lately. I can't exactly call this a better way to do it, but I figured writing it into a blog form would be much more simple than trying to explain to someone. Some would not exactly understand my feelings or hidden tears. Somethings are meant to be, I know. But I don't always agree that the things that are meant to be will end up together; not without a little push and test of fate.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Next thing is... What is up with everyone getting married at 18-20? I mean really? Do they know that the statistics for a marriage lasting, when getting married that young, is low because over half will end up divorced with children? Or they will end up unhappy and miserable, even feeling trapped all the time by the age of 30? Sigh. People actually need to learn for themselves but you know there is a quote that fits well for this, "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." (Eleanor Roosevelt, US Diplomat and Reformer, 1884-1962). I have been there when you are happy and in love and nothing else seems to be better than what you have at that moment, but I too realized soon after that maybe this whole "happy" thing is not all it is cracked up to be after several fights and months of hating each other. Of course, it is easy to be happy with someone for only a couple years. But honestly, you are young and have not even had the life experience. Do you honestly think most of the ones getting married now will still want to be with ONLY their wives/husbands twenty years from now? Probably not. They may want their better-half and one or two on the side just to make them feel better about their love life. This is not just some thing from where I am better about life and dating this is actual true stuff here. If you do not believe me, ask someone who has been divorced.
Along with the whole marriage thing, I am starting to wonder if teenagers forgot how to use condoms? And they always name their kids something godawful soon after they get pregnant. It is not a dog. This is a human being and deserves a name of respect. Not just some random letters you have thrown together! It is not a name! It is more like a sign that says, "My mom was young and had no idea what she was doing." Your child has to live with that name! Just because you like some weird ass thing with a bunch of unnecessary letters does not mean your child will. Think about things before you slap a name on a child like it is your new St. Bernard or Husky--which is sad because I know more dogs with human names than babies being born lately.
Speaking of babies and mommies, family next comes to mind. Family. What the fuck is a family? Really? Okay. So I have a bunch of cousins, aunts, and uncles that I would not know if they came up and asked me for a piece of gum. And most of the ones I do know, I would not risk giving it to them because they would try to sell it for something else. All family is... is drama. Drama and chaos. Personally, I do not even claim half of my family. If I talk to them, it is only because I have to. And then they go and tell everyone everything I said without even asking me about it. So by the time word gets around, me saying "I like your shirt" turns into me stealing the shirt off someone and beating the crap out of them to get it. So not only have I managed to make enemies in my family, I also find out I have a stalker in my family whom runs to dad and tells him everything. And me being a young adult, some things dad just does not need to know. I am not a bad kid or anything, I just make mistakes like most human beings and I learn from them. I would rather dad not punish me for lessons learned. Sigh. I guess we all have family drama, right?
So I am coming to an end to my ranting/venting blog...
Still not entirely all that is on my mind, there are several other thousand things that I could have written paragraphs on and I could have made these paragraphs longer. Facebook should have never asked me what was on my mind.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Knitting Project = Complete! And cute!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
New Poem: Karma
Finally my tear drops will fall.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Facing Past, Fighting Demons
"The aura of evil that clung to these walls was the residue of a horror from the past, and there was nothing here and now to fear."
I realize, we all have things to hide. We all are running from something. We all have that plague that chews us at our very core. We all have that one thing that we just can't get away from, yet we still run from it. Some of us may have more than others. But we all have it there. Some demons are easier to face than others; some demons are destroyable and some kill us slowly, sucking out everything we have left. And yet, all we can do is pretend like we're starting over and try to create a new life without that said demon in it... even if it haunts us daily. We all have the vague understanding that if we run, the problem will go away--when in reality, it only seems to make it worse until the point of insomnia, depression, anxiety, and paranoia. Then those only give us more things to run from.
The point is, we all run but we never really go back and face what really happened. We never get that closure needed to get on with our lives so everything that even relates to the event eats us and always seems to come up when things are already going to Hell anyway. Although we may find that safe hiding place within the darkened shadows, our memory and souls still have the scars and even open wounds from what has happened. Even if it has been years prior to the current lifestyle. Changing something about you, even your name, will not keep what happened away. It will not make it fade and it sure won't make things better. We only do what we can to survive instead of fighting to make the life we want to happen without the past gnawing at us.
Running only makes you run more. It seems like an easy way out but the truth of the matter being, you will always be running. You will never be able to run and get free from the chains that tie you to the past. You have to face something head on and fight it until its death to get it to leave you alone and keep it from haunting you. And the truth of the matter is, you don't have to do that alone. You can have a loved one, friend, or stranger to help you. But you have to want that to go away. I am starting to realize, maybe humans are obsessed with the pain of the past. Without out, we may be afraid we will have nothing left after.
Think about it.
It's just a random thought.
"It's a chain, iron chain, it runs through me, through my brain, my heart, through my guts, a chain, no way to get loose, no escape." -- Dark Rivers of the Heart, Dean Koontz
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Random Writing: Never Said Good-bye
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"Foward or you will die": Death threat or joke?
This is not a joke! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning!
Once there was a girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom a...n.................d her dad. she got so bad she went to kill the staff in the hospital so the government decided that... See More ... See More the best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat in agony for hours untill she finally died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person who reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death.
Now send this to ten other pics on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who dosen's pass this on like you did. And forget about you. Example 1:
Jenny didn't believe this and deleted it without even reading the whole thing! A few days later on the monday night, she was woken up by loud footsteps and heavy breathing, there was Clarissa standing there with a huge knife and well Jenny is history now
So I'm wondering if that could be considered a death threat? I mean, really. It says specifically "This is not a joke!" so how am I supposed to take that? I know it's harmless and such, but really. Who ever came up with these has really no sense of law enforcement. They take shit like this seriously, believe it or not. It is almost as if saying "You're going to die unless I see you comment this to every one you know." --Actually, my thoughts are that some people are so comment-love-driven that they would do anything just to get comments on their page, even this kind of thing. With that being said, is this a death threat or a joke?
Like if someone sends it to you knowing you won't resend it out and if you die would it not be their fault therefore would it not be them technically killing you? Couldn't the cops some how read that as a crime? Even if it wasn't their fault that you died? I'm just asking. But this came to me after I started laughing and asking mom, "Hm, I wonder if I died could you really sue someone or something for letting people post this on my Facebook?" It makes me giggle, honestly. But I'm actually sure some people do believe stuff like this really will happen.
Just a random thought of the day and wanted to share. Sorry guys. I know some of you like how my brain works but some don't.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh the days are getting long.
This week, lately, has been seriously crazy. Like beyond it. Sunday, I actually went to church for the first time in a long time. And yanno I had my spiritual renewal that I needed. I go out and help fix the food and everything and set up for their Annual Dinner (or Homecoming as they call it). I talked to some people I've not seen in a while, including three of my friends. All was well, I came home and felt a little bit better. Strangely enough, I've actually been kind of happy all week since then. Maybe that's a sign that I should start going to church again even though my religious views aren't exactly matching theirs or maybe it's a sign that I've fell off my rocker and need some booze.
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A turtle my dad found. I set him free on the creek bank. :) |
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ugh. FML.
I was volunteering at a festival all day Saturday, from like noon to 7:30pm. I actually left before it was even over to keep from being around drunks and such. So I had a great day, met amazing people, had a few laughs, and for the first time in a while I actually was happy and I was doing something just for the sake of doing it... not because I was told to do so or anything. So I get home, dad says a drunk guy called me, totally not my fault. So he takes the whole thing out on me, no one else will take up for me and they just kind of let me go about my way and fight with dad solo. Thanks for the help, family! I really appreciate it. So anyway, now I am grounded because of a stupid prank someone pulled or something. I'm not even sure who the Hell called honestly. No one will confess up to it. So I'm grounded, at 20, can't leave my house at all, and it's not even my fault.
If it was my fault, I'd take total blame for it. But it's not. And this sucks because there is a youth church thing coming up that my friend is doing, and I just found out he's becoming a preacher. But there is no way dad will even begin to understand and let me go, even though the friend is just a friend and a preacher. Sigh. Yeah, I totally need to move out, right?
I have been sick since Saturday, the only person who's actually attempted to take care of me is the ex-boyfriend. Which is sad because I thought he hated me by now. I swear, I love that kid in the friend sense. I'd be lost without him sometimes. He's a best friend that I hope I never lose. We didn't work out as a couple but we do make a good team as friends only. He's quite amazing and I trust him with my life, besides for an incident when he told me to eat chalk for my upset stomach. (No, I didn't really do it... just for the record.) But at least he's trying to take care of me. While everyone else has a "Get the Hell away from me" attitude, he's been nothing but nice to me. I'm starting to wonder if the world shifted atmospheres or something. Maybe he's just being a good friend. I don't know, I'm not complaining, just giving him praise for what he's done for me lately.
I'm scatterbrained. It's too early. I want more sleep. But I must clean. My job is never done. I just wish I got a little something in return or at least pay. :(
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Nightmare Woke Me =/
So I walked into a hospital room to visit someone, I'm not sure of who it was or even what he looked like. All I remember is that it was a male. I'm guessing a young male. He had the diary of his mother laying on the floor beside the hospital bed. I phoned someone, not sure of who, and asked if there were a reason for it being there. Somehow, the dream took a turn for the worse and I found myself ghost hunting the soul of my beloved friend's mother through her diary. Some how this lead into my own home. I answered the door and there was a childish figure standing before me and the figure seemed to have a glass eye; the only difference is, the eye actually twinkled at me. Like in the movies/cartoons, you can see a slight twinkle when someone is up to mischief or falling in love. It was an odd eye. It was an odd creature. It was somewhat like a doll, the face and everything looked like a hard rubber. The shadows came to life soon after and started to haunt me. After a moment, I woke up.
I have no idea why I even had that dream but I will tell you this, I cannot go back to sleep now. =/ Then I thought of making this into a story. Haha. It just seems weird and needs some parts put together. I blame Dean Koontz. But I seriously think I could use this and create a story. It wouldn't be the first time a dream inspired me to write. Maybe that's where most of my inspiration comes from--the dream world?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Holding On (poem)
"Holding On"
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Ugh. Update. Mhm.
So, a lot has happened within the last few days, sadly enough. I have realized the things I have been wanting to fix is not fixable and things are playing out just how they are supposed to. How do I walk away from something I have been wanting? It's easy when someone's life is involved. Since the guy broke up with me, he has gotten his career on track (which was supposedly the very reason he ended things with me in the first place), and some how I think he will be just fine without me. He no longer needs me there, so I am gone. I do not want to walk away but there are others who need my assistance. Maybe some day I will find someone who wants me there and has the desire for me as I have long hoped for. So I am traveling on, my heart may be broken but I am patching it as I go. I guess things seem to always have a way of working out even if we don't understand why it is going like it is. I am now on the look out for a tall male, age 20-25, drink/smoke is
optional, drugs is a major no, someone who can make me laugh when I feel like crying, and someone interested in me with me being interested in him. Obviously, that doesn't exist or I'd have it, right? Just saying. But it's time I move on from my last relationship. It will hurt, but it is time. I know it's not been that long, but it has to happen. The sooner I move on is the sooner I'll get out of this rut that I'm in hopefully.
So beyond being tired and having guy problems, or lack there of a guy to cause problems, I am having family issues. Big surprise to those of you reading this who actually know me. Go figure. So I don't understand how a daughter/sibling can call asking for money or call and start trouble but not ask how their own father is doing after his surgery. And even go by the house at least three times daily without even stopping in and the only time they stop is to check and see what happened down the road, not even asking about their own parent. I just really don't get it. And after all is said and done, they claim of how much they care and love said parent. I just really feel like smacking some people and telling them to wake the fuck up. But as my mother told me, "One day their number will be called."--whatever that may mean. Maybe she's meaning karma? We can hope, right? Hope that yanno, karma hits them in the face and breaks their nose or something. Sorry,
that was a little uncalled for.
Life isn't always bad though. I have a couple good friends who help me through the day, offering as much assistance as they can and my dad and I have a new understanding and connection for each other. He knows I am trying as hard as I can. Mom is now more appreciative of me and has a new view of me. Dad speaks more proudly of me than he has before. It feels nice to know they actually care that I care, in some ways that's almost as if they care for me, you know?
But I just felt the need to update, rant, and review.
Good riddance,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Long days ahead
I have been blogging way too much lately. End of story. Anyway, dad's surgery is tomorrow. He really isn't certain of what is going to go on with the surgery or what will happen after. Obviously the doctors are incapable of doing their jobs to tell him what is going to go on with his surgery. So that rather upsets me, I won't lie. I'm just kind of wondering if he will even make it out. I guess that's normal with any big kind of surgery. The woman told him it would be an in-out patient surgery but I'm not sure how that will work since it's his spleen that's being "removed"--which they informed us they aren't removing, they are just cutting off the blood flow to it. Ugh. I'm not even sure if they know what's going on. It took two weeks for us to even find out what day it was. It seems to just be something like "Oh, well, we have no idea what we're doing but we're going to do it anyway!" It just upsets me that they are treating dad like this and not to mention, I don't see him recovering that fast enough to go home. Not to mention, I will be the only one taking care of him at home. I don't know if I can do this on my own. I really don't. The only person who has even offered to try to help me is Amy. (Thanks, Amy. I love you!) It just upsets me that I am doing this by my own will but yet no one else will volunteer to help. When they said he was coming home after the surgery, my jaw dropped and I was thinking "You've gotta be kidding me..." What the hell? When did the hospital become a conveyor belt for patients? "OH! Lets just rip this guy's spleen out and then send him on his way!" I think I have every right to be upset with the doctors at this moment. I have been dealing as best I can with other things going on. Meaning, not very well. Everything is getting too hard and the more I look at the situations, the more I am realizing I want out of this place ASAP. Meaning, I am probably going to end up living with a family member for a while until I can work enough to get my own place. I'm just hoping all of that will work to my advantage. I am strongly overdue for something good to happen. Two break ups this year already, one chance of a life time flushed down the drain, and everything else happening... I'm just tired of being here honestly. I want to pack, drive for miles, and not look back for a very long time. Live like a gypsy if I have to. Life time dream right there. Nothing is working anymore, nothing makes me happy anymore, nothing is keeping me here anymore besides my dad... and I feel bad that I'm thinking selfishly but sometimes you have to be selfish to make yourself happy. You can't keep relying on others to keep you laughing. I was talking to a friend of mine last night about some things and I was like "I want to travel. If I look at my guy and say 'Lets go to Europe' I want him to be like 'Hell yeah' then start booking tickets. Or if I wake him up at 3am to go for a drive, I want him to jump in and then ask where we're going. Fill up the tank, run it dry, fill it up again, head back. But I could do that alone." She said "Yeah but it wouldn't be as fun without someone to share it with." and I realized she's right. Life just isn't fun for me because i have no one to share things with. I have no one that really wants to create good times to laugh about later. I want that. Very much so. I just don't want to be stuck with the wrong one while doing so. So yeah, I'm rethinking some things I've been doing and I'm ready to make things happen just as soon as I get the chance to break free and fly solo. I need this. I know I can't go home again... but honestly, home doesn't look too good at the moment. I want out. I know I'll probably change my mind later but right now it's what I need to be happy. So lets just hope things can start looking up and I can get a plan soon to get me out and happy. I'm ready to live... |
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Songs Define Me...
The song that defines my mood right now.
I know things are gone no matter how much I fight myself to tell myself it may come back. Tears fill my eyes, worry fills my head, sorrow fills my soul, and brokenness fills my heart.
How long must I keep pretending that I am okay?
How long until this heals?
Okay, so I lied.
I lied and said I was fine.
I lied and said I was okay.
I lied and said I understood.
Pretty lies.
They hurt; they hurt myself after I tell them.
I have to keep going with this fake smile while tears are overfilling me. Just because tears are not streaking down my cheeks does not mean I am not crying.
Could I have stopped this?
Could I have loved him more?
Could I have done something to make things better?
I know he would have left no matter what I done. I know that for a fact, simply because that is just what happens. I hate the situation. I hate it. I do. Things should have been better this time. They should have. I wanted them to be better. I wanted things to work. Sigh. I feel as if I am only happy because I still have this strange belief that he will come back.
I laugh when I feel like crying.
I find the morbid humor in feeling like a part of me died.
I still cannot help but to wonder.
I wonder if I was the one who made a mistake. I wonder if anything I could have done would have changed the outcome. I wonder many many things right now, my mind is actually swirling around just trying to figure out what exactly happened. I cannot just walk away and pretend everything is damn skippy.
The songs just make it worse.
They make me actually feel the hurt I have.
So how am I to know where I will end?
It kills me slowly.
I mean, it helps when you know the hurt is coming.
But you still don't want it to happen.
I mean. It would be better if we could just numb ourselves to everything, wait, and let the hurt go away.
Almost was sure of something.
But... I was wrong.
But chances are I will.
But eventually, some guy will love me so much, he'll get stuck with me.
He'll look past my flaws, past everything, and he'll heal me.
That's the one thing that will keep me going.
If he does come back, it would be wonderful if he'd be that guy.
Chances are that won't happen.
But I can still believe it for a while, right?
I don't have to put up with this.
I'm not sure why I do. But I do.
Just another girl asking a guy to love her.
So if I say I'm okay, maybe you should second guess it.
At least for a while.
But I will be okay within time.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
So yesterday... Yea.
So I know my actions yesterday are something I will have to deal with, eventually. For now, I will just enjoy the moment that I actually had fun while out with friends. I know things will come back to hit me in the face, but honestly it made me forget about everything--even if only for a few moments in time. I never knew what my friends meant when they said I always found comfort in someone else's arms right after a breakup. Now I am realizing that I actually do that. Being beside the lake, sitting with one of my best friends, her husband, and a tall drink of water rocking body type of guy that any girl would be happy to get... it was just amazing. Picture a very tall, about 6'7 guy, a very dark tan, ripped up dirty jeans, the most amazing light brownish eyes--almost a bronze color--, a back that you could just sink your nails into, rock hard abs, a chest that you just can't help but to touch dripping with sweat, calloused hands but so gentle to the touch, very strong arms, and a neck you just can't wait to sink your teeth into. Not to mention, the first thing I did was remove his sunglasses and make him get rid of the cigarette. Later, I got kind of used to the smell and intoxication of this temptation put before me. I couldn't help but to give in. Little did I know, hours later, I would be laying on him crying and wanting nothing more than to stay in his arms just a while longer. It seemed every time I went back in time to the ex, the guy would brush my hair out of my face, kiss my cheek, and hold me even tighter. And yes, I did tell him about the breakup that had just happened so he was aware that I was horridly upset. But I think in some odd way, he understood just what I needed at the time.
With all of that being said, I found out two things about myself yesterday. 1) I am truly lonely no matter who I am with. 2) My biggest fear is being alone. It took talking to an ex-boyfriend to make me notice number two but it helped me. After crying all night, I now know where I need to start working on myself and getting the pieces back together. I guess another friend of mine was right when he said someone needs to work on themselves before trying to work on a relationship. Could be why I take every break up like it's an every day thing--besides that it practically is.
I am not completely over everything but I am working on it. Slowly. I'm going to use my new free time to study my guitar and try to give my heart to something steady instead of just trying to live without reason. "I still believe in this rock and rock, and I pray the music gonna save my soul...." (Pop Evil, 100 in a 55) I am definitely staying single for a while and putting myself together, getting a life started, and then trying to see how things will work out. I'm still not sure of what's even to come 12 hours from now but I can tell you that I'm going to make it one hell of a ride. All I can really say is that I am going to find who I am instead of avoiding it by finding a fix-er-up type of guy to help fix himself instead of me. It's only making me feel worse about myself when it ends. It makes me feel rather worthless at times and like I can do anything right. In between having moments of fucking up my life and this, I am slowly wondering why I keep doing this. But it is now a work in progress. I want to be independent 100% and not have that need for a guy around. I mean, it would be nice to have on there, but that will come way later. Until then, I am going to find something--and I think guitar is it--to fill that constant void in my life.
So there's that.
Good riddance,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Life is good...
Good riddance,
- Rai
Friday, July 23, 2010
Will You Swear On Your Life...
Anger, Comfort in the Pain @ -- LovelyMissRai
( )
I have tried everything, almost beyond everything, to become this person that everyone wants me to be and some how I have lost something along the way. Lucky me, I also feel as if I have lost my soul somewhere in the midst of everything else. I have tried so hard to be understanding of why everyone does what they do, but half of the time I have no idea why when they cannot even begin to try to understand my emotions and concerns. I have tried to understand. I have put my heart and ass on the line for pretty much everyone and yet, I still get nothing in return. I just sit at home, alone, knitting while friends lie and say they are out with me when they have never made any effort at all to even show up at my house. Lovely story of my life there. Would it really kill people to travel another fifteen minutes to get to my house just to say hi? Apparently they think so. And it was fine, for a while. Until I realized I am just being used beyond all reasoning. And somehow, my family figured out it was okay to do this as well even though they have no idea friends do the same thing. It is like a conspiracy against me or something.
I have only a handful of people I talk to on a daily basis which is sad when I have over 100+ friends on Facebook, 60+ on AOL Instant Messenger, and 30+ on Yahoo Instant Messenger. Plus everyone knows my email from high school. When I try to write someone to make conversation, they say maybe three words and that be it. Frankly, I am starting to not give a damn about anyone. Why would I? Why should I, actually? I am becoming restless sitting at home all of the time simply because no one wants to ever hang out with me or do anything with me unless I get up at the crack of dawn and meet them out somewhere. Seeing of how I cannot drive (family issues with the whole driving thing), I cannot do that. So I am, yet again, sitting at home blogging and knitting on a Friday night due to a broken string of hope that I was going to be out and about having fun this weekend. Well, okay, I lied. I also have a Dean Koontz book to finish reading. Other than that, I really do not even have anyone to talk to. The people I was talking to already left for the evening to go out. No one thought to say, "Hey, would you like to join?" Sigh.
So I must say, if I am in a bad mood, down, or upset, maybe you should think about how you are treating me and realize that maybe, just maybe, it could be your fault. Just saying. And maybe to put me in a better mood, maybe you should stick by your word instead of getting my hopes up just to laugh behind my back later when the plans fall through. And maybe, just freaking maybe, you should try to make more effort to be a friend. It could be more awarding to you than not. I will not life forever. I could possibly die tonight. How would you feel knowing you would not have had the extra chance to prove yourself as a friend to me? Think about it. You never know what is going to happen, especially with me. The most crying at funerals is the regret in knowing you should have done something you did not before and now you will never get the chance again. Most people who can laugh and cry at the same time are those who actually made effort to be a friend and have so many stories to share. So...
-- Sixx:AM, Life Is Beautiful
Good riddance,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Brain = Fried
"I want to be a good man, a do like I should man, I want to be the kind of man the mirror likes to see. I want to be a strong man, an admit that I was wrong man. God, I'm asking you to come change me into the man I want to be. And if there's anyway for her and me to make another start. Could you see what you could do to put some love back in her heart." -- Chris Young
I keep trying to position myself to make sure I am doing everything right, even adapting to new things. I started to give my all and had it thrown back at me... apparently my everything isn't enough or is too much or something. I am starting to confuse myself, actually. I've worn this mask for so long that it's actually became more of a style than a window. My face hardly ever has any expression and most of the time I cannot speak out loud. My soul has been lost for some time now and honestly, I don't look for it to be back any time soon. Talking to friends I find this is normal. Normal? Really? Normal to feel as if you don't have a soul? Wow. I'd hate to see what abnormal means. LIMBO! My soul is lost in Limbo. Incase you have no idea what the place Limbo is, google that shit.
Anyway, so here I am at 1am trying to get my thoughts out on page but they're so jammed and crowded I am now thinking about time machines (or lack there of) and going back in time. Inspired by a facebook status and comments from friends. "Yeah there is a lack of flux capacitors" says one friend. I say, "Maybe they lost it in the time machine? or invented it and then went back in time and it disappeared? he could be repeating stuff and never really know it, yanno?" and yeah, I'm sober. And something about a mango. I'm not sure how the mango plays in and I'm almost sure that was from another conversation.
So here I am. 1am. Tryin..... Oh, I've said this already. Hm. Yeah, so I love this guy and he loves me but life is complicated. And I miss the days when "I love you" "I love you too" meant we're supposed to be together. not apart. I love you does not mean "I leave you." I think people are confusing some letters or something. I love you, I want to be with you, end of story. Lets not worry about everything else, shall we? Alright then. If only life were that easy right?
My friends have helped me through tonight. Thanks guys, I love you and owe you bunches. I'll dance at your weddings! But my brain is fried like chicken, and it's burning. Okay not really, but I do have a headache. maybe I think too much? Could be, right? Yeah. That's it.
1:07am.... 107.... One.Zero.Seven. I should be in bed but I feel like my brain will implode... or explode... depending on which way it bursts. 1:08. Hm. that thought in one minute. WTF. Is my brain on slo-mo? Really. I'm concerned now. Oh 1:09.... 1-Zero-9. Nine Nine Nine. Nine. nine. ahem. Nine. Yeah. I'm still thinking... Wee Woo... Hm. I feel like 9 is lasting forever. It's been there for like a minute now. Really. Oh see, 1:10am. told you. Ahem Anyway. Back to my blooooog. Funny word. Blog.
So I'm thinking.... and on that note, I think I may go play video games. Yeah, incomplete blog. Maybe I'll do better when I'm not so stressed.
Good riddance,
-Rai xo
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hi, Welcome To Limbo.
I definitely need a sudden and dramatic change in my life to flip it completely upside down and let me to live differently. I know as soon as that happens I can never go back to the way things were simply because none of the experiences I have had can be redone--even if I come back to the same place I was and with the same people I was with. Life, to me, seems to be more of a cycle and a bit repetitive. I feel like I am missing out on life. Lately I have been thinking, "What if..." But there is no such thing as what if or what might have been. There's not. Never will be. What happens, happens. And even if you get back in that moment for the future reference, you can't redo the experiences shared or the moments you've had... or the pain caused when they left and in reality, you'll always feel a hollow space inside that you can't completely fill again. You may be able to bring the love back, but you can never undo the pain. Too many times I have gotten scared, too many times I have ran from something, too many times I have stayed somewhere because there was some sort of comfort in the pain and abuse in the situation. I cannot go back and change what has happened or make right the choices I made wrong, I can only pick up and keep going. "You leave home, you move on, you do the best you can. I got lost in this old world and forgot who I am. I thought if I could touch this place or feel it, this brokenness inside me might start healing. Out here, it's like I'm someone else. I thought that maybe I could find myself. If I could walk around, I swear I'll leave and won't take nothing but a memory from the house that built me." -- Miranda Lambert. It is hard for me to keep living restlessly, knowing my place is out somewhere else just waiting to be found. I know I find out that I end up back at home, but that is something I feel I need to discover on my own. I need to be out and exploring, not stuck here.
But with my mind in Limbo at least it doesn't seem as bad as it is.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The Secret
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Waiting For The Bottom To Drop Out
Vivi: You know why she thinks that, don't ya, honey? Because it did. It always did.
(Scene from Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, 2002)
I have tried to blog for a couple days now and I still have too many thoughts and emotions to fit into a simple blog page but I decided that blogging a little to try and sort some of them out is better than just sitting here crying because I cannot break things down in order to deal with them. I am not even really sure what is bothering me lately so let me start and I will see where it goes.
I am scared with the new relationship that I am currently trying to make. He is a wonderful guy and I could never ask for anything more than him. He treats me like a princess and lets me know he cares but with that comes the same struggle I have each time. At least this time, I do not feel as if I have to hold back from feelings and desires. He pretty much knows what is on my mind before even asking although I am a woman of few words and hardly ever talk about how I am feeling. (Yeah, all men should be happy with that kind of woman but apparently it is stressful. Yes, I am chuckling slightly.) I guess in a way, I always wait for a guy to walk out instead of being at the door to ask what I can do to make things better. Although he says he does not want to leave, I still have those what if thoughts--and yes, I know, what if does not exist. I start to wonder if I could ever compare to the girls in his past whom he became attached to and I start to contemplate if I am actually good enough for him. Yes, of course, I have my good values just like every human but what if my good values just are not good enough? I cannot keep him around forever just with my back massages; if it were that easy, I would never have to learn to cook (yes, another joke). I want to prove to him that I do not want to leave ever and that I want things to work but at the same time, I want to try to understand where I am in his life and where he wants me to be. I mean, honestly, I still have this guy hidden under a rock cliff and no one even knows for sure if he is the guy I am dating. Some may think I have just fell off the wagon and got into a drunken relationship that I cannot get out of. Beyond this, I just feel as if I am doing something wrong by hiding him and it bothers me that I kind of have to. I know the situation is unclear to most but I know of the chaos that will occur later when everyone finds out. From the "You are dating him? Are you insane!?" to the "Rai, he is just not right for you" and to all the other drama infested lines people use just to piss me off. So in a way, I guess I am bothered that I continue to hide him... more so than I thought. Hm. I know nothing lasts forever, nothing is permanent, and the bottom will ALWAYS drop out but I would actually like to stop worrying about all of that and just let things happen. I mean, I told him to do that and he seemed pretty content but of course he is a lot stronger in that ability than I am. Sigh. I feel like I am in a lose-lose situation somehow. But at least he has been more than understanding about everything! That is always a good sign. And he did not get upset when I broke down crying to him or got sick and started whining. So I have to admit, he is the best guy ever.
Aside from the man-drama, I am getting restless being at home almost 24/7. Yes, of course, I just took two three small trips (Zoo, camping, and a road trip) but it was with family, so is that really getting away? I am not complaining about the company because I love my sister to death and her husband calls me his only friend but still, I want out and away just for a while. I know it is impossible but that does not keep me from wanting it. I am actually starting to wonder if I will ever be able to leave this place. Every time I get ready to move out, something happens I do not get to. My only dream is that a guy will get an apartment, come here, take me away, then come back to visit and win my family over... but I know, that's only in a fairy tale and they do not exist. Sigh. But I can dream! Until I can find a way to be out on my own, that is the dream I will keep having. Maybe some day, God will finally let it happen. I think my being at home all the time is more of my issue than anything else. And not being able to go out and do things, lack of car, is getting to more more than anything; of course, my friends are not helping by saying we could hang out and then never do simply because I cannot drive to meet them anywhere and no one wants to drive this "far" to come get me. So I am just kind of screwed no matter what I do. Once again, the bottom drops out.
But this is life. And now it is time for my shower and date with the cleaning supplies. SSDD... same shit, different day.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The thoughts of you beside me in bed have now faded
Replaced with an emptiness I would have often traded
So much love turned to lust, quickly eating us alive
Our hearts grew heavy, falling fast, almost love deprived.
Where you are now haunts my mind, making it hard to sleep
Remembering the promises you made, but failed to keep
Seeing you in the back of my mind causes a new fear
And hearing the song of ours seems to bring a tear.
I cannot regret or go back and undo
Even if I could, I wouldn't want to.
Here I am laying, with you still lingering here
But I wake up to see that you are far from near.
Going on without you, the days start to grow cold and long
I can't keep from wishing I could hear you sing our song
But its time for me to go and leave these thoughts at rest
Smile and turn away, looking back only to wish you the best.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fail. Epic fail. Again. Sigh.
Good riddance,