I was reading Velocity by Dean Koontz, and still am actually, when something caught my attention. Normally I do not pay attention to random words within a book, but this kind of jumped out at me beyond all reasoning. I forgot about it until just a few moments ago when I was trying to help a fellow human with their issues (more like just listening and adding comfort). After a guy says, There's just one world. Another guy responds with, "No, sir. There's a billion of them. Mine's different from yours and that's the way it's gonna stay." It makes me realize that, in fact, is true. Even when your world so-called collides with another, you have the option to keep two worlds separately--yours and theirs--or combine to attempt to make one. But even still, when the two worlds come together to create one, do you really know what the other is doing at all times? And is it not still different than yours? If you are sitting on the same couch, you are not sitting in the same place, having the same thought, drinking the same drink, or even sharing the same kiss. To each it is a different place, different thought, different sip of the drink, and even different sides of the kiss.
It starts to make me, as a human, question things. For example, I wonder how much I know about the people I have let into my world and how much they know about me without me having to tell them. Lately, I can guarantee some people know more than you think without you even realizing it. Whether you have said it aloud or when you thought no one was listening, there are people that hear and know almost everything. When their world collides with yours, even in a friend manner, whose to say you know everything about them? In some situations, it would be easy to assume you know everything just because you know their favorite color is green, their eyes are hazel, and they love coloring as a past time but in reality, you really know nothing. Even some of what they tell you could be a simple lie. With this being said, I actually have started to second guess myself and everything/everyone around me. Not saying you should, but you should take this into consideration and get to know a fellow person before trying to combine two worlds into one. Seeing of how I have established the difficulty of doing so, you should give the other world that is coming into yours a little freedom to express, feel, think, and speak for himself (or herself).
And of course, I had plans on this blog being a little bit longer, and filled with more entertainment because I feel that it is incomplete at the moment but something tells me to stop. Mainly because I just drew a huge writer's block on what my issue was last night--when I started the blog--and I cannot, for the life of me, remember what I was going to bring up to make a point. Sad but true story.
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